Supporting passionate talented women to make space in their lives for themselves

take a moment to breathe…


How would it be to wake up excited for the day ahead?

To put yourself in the centre of your own life with space for your favourite activities. Feeling comfortble setting the boundaries you need to do this.

To challenge the internalised messages that tell you to put others first.

Leaving yourself out and caring for others before yourself can lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, frustration. You could find yourself being very critical of yourself. If ignored it can actually make you ill.

Making space to think about yourself, work out what matters to you and consider your life as well as live it can really help.

And this is what I offer. Through one to one therapeutic coaching and Womens’ Circles I create space in which you can safely and with support explore yourself and what you want.

There are two ways to work with me - I offer one-to-one therapeutic coaching online, and in Camden, and I also facilitate Womens’ Circles. Please read more about both of these below and check out the other pages of my website.


What is therapeutic Coaching?

  • A supportive relationship in which you explore what you want, plan the steps to take, work through what gets in the way and take action. 

  • A contained, professionally held and compassionate space in which to explore yourself, look at the patterns and beliefs that hinder you, and practice strategies to counteract them.

  • An invitation to feel more satisfied with the way you function authentically and longterm. 

  • Empowering


For you if:

  • You find it hard to define who you are and what you want, to yourself and others and even wonder sometimes whether you’re actually allowed to.

  • You’re ready for change; ready to step into the power of who you are and claim what you’re entitled to.

  • Know you deserve more, and even wonder why you don’t feel happier when, superficially, at least things seem fine.

I support caring, intelligent, sometimes disappointed, over or under-whelmed women to understand what’s getting in the way, plan for change and make it happen.

Because you matter…

Although initially nervous about what coaching would entail and whether it was worth ‘investing in me’, I have come to realise how valuable my time with Sarah has been.

She has supported me to feel clearer about what I want and how to move forward. Her calm focus and support has enabled me to feel lighter and set the boundaries I need to enhance my life and really be myself.
— Kate B

Womens’ Circles

A ritual space in which women gather; to listen, share and connect with themselves and each other.

Unlike a chat with friends, in Circle we listen in a heartfelt way and receive each woman exactly where she is. We avoid judging, interrupting and sharing our own version of another woman’s experience. We listen deeply and in a heartfelt way.

Circle, is an ancient tradition, handed down by generations of wise women; a much needed counterpoint to patriarchal culture.

Simple and powerful, offering succour at a difficult time or celebration when things are going well, Circle is for women of all generations wishing to connect in a way that has been otherwise largely lost in our present world.

When we Circle together as routinely as we do yoga or go the gym community will develop and we experience healing, growth and much positive change.

Do please come - because you matter…


For you…if:

You’d love a moment to pause, sit in the company of women, feel held, soothed and nourished. Breathe deeply, listen, connect inwardly to your deeper wisdom and feel yourself relax. Speak if you wish (or not), be heard and affirmed.

Sharing our truth in a gently ritualised container, filled with the attentive warmth and hearts of other women, is very healing and I’d love you to experience the joy it brings.

Circles take place monthly on Friday lunchtimes at 1-2.30pm on Zoom. Please click here for dates:

Circles with Sarah feel like a safe, familiar space, cosy and welcoming, where we can explore whatever we need to, but also just be held in beautiful silence. Even online I felt so connected and so supported.

I love the chance just to sink into the moment, to let ideas run through my mind and to let the things I want to give voice to meander around the circle.
— Emma Johnson

I’m Sarah…

A therapeutic coach, I work in an holistic way, creating safe and compassionate space in which you can work deeply and powerfully to bring about the changes you want.

Using my therapeutic and coaching skills and experience, I’ll support you as you come to understand yourself more fully; get familiar with what makes you tick and what’s gets in the way, consider the changes you want and make them happen.

I’ll accompany you on the exciting journey towards a more satisfying relationship with yourself and others, in a skilled, warm way; inviting you to experience yourself emotionally and physically as well as with your mind.

  • Accredited with EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)

  • Registered with BACP (British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy)

Sarah creates a warm and spacious opportunity for me to explore myself and I leave feeling grounded and with a sense of deep satisfaction.
— Anon
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My Journal



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Follow me on instagram and pinterest @growthfully